Beyond the Sea.

Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics


Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics would like to Invite Interested and Eligible Bidders for the Procurement of Microsoft office and Adobe Acrobat upon fulfilling the following Terms and Conditions.

  • 1. Bidders who engage in the sector shall present renewed trade licenses, trade registration certificates, VAT registration, current tax clearance certificates, TIN certificates, and supplier list registration certificates.
  • 2. If bidders are foreigners, shall present business registration certification from the country of establishment.
  • 3. To access the tender document bidders shall register on our enterprise supplier list by using the link link or register at Head Office in person 10th floor at procurement department upon fulfilling trade license certificate and TIN starting from the date of this announcement.
  • 4. The bid shall be valid for 60 days after the system bid closing date.
  • 5. Bidder shall submit bid security in person at the Head Office of the enterprise 10th floor procurement department before bid closing date and time the amount of the bid security is 200,000.00 Birr or equivalent of USD or EURO. The type of acceptable bid security is: - unconditional bank guarantee or cash payment order (CPO). The bid security shall be valid for twenty-eight days (28) beyond the end of the validity period of the bid Proposal, Which shall remain valid for a period of 60 days + 28 days =88 days.
  • 6. Bidder shall give their price at Lines in the System.
  • 7. ESL will hold a pre-bid conference with all bidders on the 10th date of the floating of the bid by the newspaper or by the next working day at ESL head office 10th-floor procurement department.
  • 8. The deadline for bid submission is date and time of ERP System.
  • 9. Ethiopian Shipping & Logistics Services Enterprise reserves the right to accept or reject the bids partially or totally.

For more information please call Tele 011-5-54-97-81/86